Monday, May 18, 2009

Hello Again

Hi. Haven't spoken to you in a while. I am returning to writing daily (by daily i mean weekly). I have much time to make up for but I promise I won't let you down. I have stories. Loads of stories. Some sad, but most of them happy. Im listening to the Veils and thinking about love.

Its been two years since I've written anything.

I was thinking today I would l ike to make a film of my deepest fears. A story about a pretty girl who has an immediate distrust for authority and lives a life like Oliver Wilde, putting all of her needs first. Never taking advice...screwing up horribly and ending up on the street. An old woman dying on the street alone. My worst nightmare. Wretched, isn't it?

It would be amazing to see the spiraling of such a promising young thing. And by amazing I mean heart-wrenching.