Old woman (wearing clothes covered in portraits of cats.)- "I was a chemical dependancy counseler for thirty years."
Me- What lead you to that field?"
Woman- "Being an alcoholic."
I also made friends with a woman who was a school teacher and principle (for 40 years) we got along fabulously. She held my hand for a few moments before I left and it felt nice to have a teacher actually like me. It hasn't happened in a while.
On the way home a forgetful old woman loaded the bus exclaiming "I have to get off at 43 and Phinney!"
To which the driver replied, "Ok, I'll drop you there, ma'am."
I too, was getting off at that stop.
I helped her off the bus.
"Ok, see you!" I yelled.
"Ok, bye bye!"
I went into the cafe on the corner and ordered an espresso.
"Just shut down the machine"
"Got any drip left?"
"Yeah, and you don't owe me anything."
I get my coffee and walk out the door.
The little old woman is standing in the same spot. Its dark and raining, and I chose the wrong day to not wear socks.
"Are you ok?
"No, I'm not. I'm totally lost, I have no idea where I am."
"Ok, so we are on 43rd and Phinney. That is north, that is sou..."
"Ok, i know where I am. No wait, no I don't. Oh, its sooo dark."
"Ok, well, do you know an address?"
"Yes. 465 43rd Street."
"Ok, then we would have to walk this way. I'll walk you and make sure you get there."
"Oh no...where am I..."
"Its ok, you're on 43rd and Phinney, we're walking through Francis now..."
"Oh, Francis!"
"Yes, Francis."
"Ok, theres the yellow truck. Is there a fence ahead?"
"Yes, there is a fence."
Ok, I live past the fence and the yellow truck."
"I just lost my job, I was babysitting my 14 year old granddaughter and I was informed no 14 year olds have babysitters."
(It has taken us 10 minutes to complete a block. Inching there...)
"Oh no! Well maybe we can find you another babysitting job!"
"I'm so slow, I'm so sorry. It took me 4 hours to get to Sumner today."
"Sumner?! Why were you going to Sumner?"
"I'm from Sumner, so was my mother."
"I' m from Sumner!"
"You are?"
"Well, I mean, Bonney Lake, but I went to Sumner High!"
"Oh, well, thats not Sumner."
(I can't wait to be old.)
Anyhow, her name is Betty and now we're friends. (Yay!)
Today was a complete success!
Monday, December 14, 2009
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