Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rough rough draft of a childrens story

Pg 1

(Boy playing piano with mom, dad, and pets dancing, singing)

"Once there lived a boy who loved to play music, paint pictures, and write stories.

Pg 2

(Boy playing piano with pets dancing around him)

"The boy would spend his mornings playing his piano."

Pg 3

"His days painting pictures."

Pg 4

(Boy writing and pets playing with costumes, swords etc, father watching, content/proud)
"And his nights writing stories of adventure and intrigue.

Pg 5

(Boy in living room w/ piano)
"One morning while playing his piano his fingers stopped and he found himself at loss for a tune. He thought of all the great musicians before him...Mozart, Bach, and Chopin! How amazing all of their works had been! The boy found himself feeling discouraged and thinking all of the beautiful music had already been made, and there was nothing left for him to make.

Pg 6

(Boy in art room surrounded by paintings, frowning)
So the boy went to his paints and pulled out a blank canvas. He sat and stared at the white canvas for hours. He looked up at his walls, covered in paintings from all the great painters before him...Van Gogh, Leonardo Davinci and Pablo Picasso. The boy became sad and said to himself "All of the beautiful paintings have already been painted and there is nothing left for me to paint."

Pg 7

(Boy with pen and pad in library type setting, frown)
So the boy moved on to his bedroom and pulled out his pen and paper. He looked up at the shelves filled to the brim with books inspired by love, friendship, and travel. Hemmingway, Kerouak, Tolstoy. He found himself unable to write down a single word. All of the beautiful things I wanted to play have already been played. All of the wonderous paintings I could have painted have already been painted, and all of the things I would love to write about have already written. There is nothing left for me to make.

Pg 8

(Boy, head down, getting into bed)
So the boy crawled into his bed and fell fast asleep.

Pg 9

(Boy in bed, w/ pets sad, and food(untouched) next to bed)
The next day the boy awoke feeling very tired, and quite ill. So he lay in bed all day long and did not get up for anything.

Pg 10

(Boy in bed, w/ mom taking temp, pets concerned)
The next day was the same. The boy did not get up. Not once. Not once to play his piano, paint his pictures, or even write his stories. His house was quiet.

Pg 11

(Boy in bed with father on phone, family& pets distraught)
By the third day, the boy had turned a faint color of grey and his family became worried. His father phoned the doctor and within a few hours, the doctor arrived at the front door.

Pg 12

"How are you feeling boy?" asked the doctor.
"I'm feeling very weak and tired, and I cannot leave me bed, doctor." replied the boy.
"Cannot leave your bed? Oh that sounds terrible! How long have you been feeling this way, boy?"
"For a few days now, I suppose..."
"A few days you say? Well, thats no good, boy! Let me take your temperature."

Pg 13

The doctor examined the boy and could find nothing wrong with him. Everything was normal!
So the doctor asked the boy a few more questions
"Young man, have you eating plenty of fruits and vegetables?"
"Yes, sir, I have."
"Getting plenty of rest?"
"Yes sir."
"Have you been getting lots of sunshine?"
"Yes, sir, all that comes through the window."
The doctor was puzzled. He did not understand why the boy was feeling too weak to leave his bed. so he told the boy and his family he would return in a few days to check on the boy again.

Pg 14

On the way home something strange happened to the doctor. A thought struck him.
"If I cannot help this boy, I cannot do what I love, which is to help people. And if I cannot help others, then what am I going to get out of bed for?"

Pg 15

So that night the doctor went to sleep feeling quite sad, and awoke the next morning feeling just as sad, if not more, and he thought to himself I cannot do what i love and i feel so sad i don't think i can leave my bed today.

Pg 16

So the doctor stayed in bed.  He stayed there all day and when the sun finally set, the doctor closed his eyes and fell fast asleep.

Pg 17

That night the doctor awoke from his sleep in a sweat.  I have been so selfish lying in bed all day long feeling sorry! I have not been doing the things I love to do!  Thats it!  Thats what I was fogetting!  He has not been wanting to paint and write and play his piano!  This is why he is feeling so ill! So the doctor threw on a robe and pair of slippers and ran out the door to the sick boy's house.

Pg 18

The doctor finally arrived at the boy's house feeling anxious yet strangely exhilarated and knocked on the front door. Oh I hope he is alright!  I have just the medicine to cure him!  Just then the door opened and in flew the doctor, right past his mother and father and into the boys room, where the boy was laying, fast asleep.

Pg 19

"Wake up boy!  I have just the medicine for you!"  The boy awoke with a fright!
"What is it doctor?  Whats wrong with me?"
"There is nothing wrong with you!" said the doctor. "You have been getting sun, eating your vegetables, and you don't have a temperature!  I forgot to ask you one very important question, boy."

"What question is that doctor?" the boy replied.
The doctor looked at the sick boy and smiled.
"Have you been doing the things that you love to do?"

Pg 20

The boy looked at the doctor, looking so sad and said,
"I cannot do the things I love to do.  All of the beautiful works of art have already been created, all of the wonderful compositions have already been composed and all of the great works of writing have already been written.  There is nothing left for me to make."

"Ah" the doctor said "I fear you are quite wrong about this, boy.  You make your family so joyful when you practice the things you love to do.  Your body feels happy when your heart feels happy.  When you stop doing the things you love to do, your body feels sick, because your heart feels sad.  You see?  So don't look at what others are creating, create for yourself, and for those who love you.

You see, boy?"


The boy did see.  He immediately knew what he had to do.  He pulled back the sheets, jumped out of bed and ran to his piano.  "Follow me, doctor!"

The two ran down the stairs and into the living room.  Thy boy played as his family and friends danced.  They danced until the sun came up and through the next day as well.  And everything was beautiful, and the boy was happy.

1 comment:

Nick Rogen said...

I've loved this script since I first read it. Why, oh why, haven't you done anything with it? :) This is pure gold. Seriously.